Monday, October 8, 2007

Edmonton Wedding Photographers & SEO 101

Three simple words. Edmonton Wedding Photographers. The power of those three words can make or break my newest project, Edmonton Photography. The reason those three words might make or break me is because I need those three words to point to my site. The problem I am having is there is a smart company in town who has bought all kinds of domains and they all point to just married photography. I respect both their brains as well as the creative work they do but, they are making it difficult for anyone else to show up in the top 20 on Google.

I think they own every domain available. They have Edmonton wedding photographers,. Just married photography, Edmonton wedding photography .com and some blogs as well. They also have a very strong back link in place.

Now, with search engine optimizations, having key words in your url is half the battle in making it onto the first page of Google. Having strong back links is secondary. As you can see, I have my work cut out for me because Just Married Photography has a monopoly on the names and back links, but I am educated and have an understanding in how this works and I do expect to crash the top 20 for Google searches very soon. I will be using the key words Edmonton Wedding Photographers.

The reason I am posting this is to show some local Edmonton SEO work in progress, and for those interested in my services, to witness a live demonstration over time. After all, search engines is the free way to get traffic to your site. Once you have traffic, you need good original content to keep them. In order to succeed on line you need both seo and traffic, I can help you achieve results. I am able to consult with you on your current site and in some cases, help re-build an online marketing and PR plan.

For a sample of my Search Engine Optimization skills, just pay attention to how the keywords, Edmonton Wedding Photographers, does over the next couple of weeks. Currently, if you Google it using , my site shows up 131 - 140 of about 119,000 results. This isn't bad but if your not in the top 20, you are losing a ton of traffic and a website without traffic is useless. Anyways, lets see what happens in the next week or two.

For more information on my services visit or email me.

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